Domingo, 13 Mayo 2018 19:34

ERASMUS+: David Puertas nos cuenta todas sus experiencias e impresiones de su movilidad europea en la impresionante ciudad de Berlín. Destacado

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From Monday 12th to Saturday 17th of March I was in Berlin in order to attend an interesting course supported by European founds. The name of the training course was “Classroom Management Solutions For Teachers” and its target was focused on improving learning and teaching skills by new methodologies, effective motivation, cooperation and evaluation strategies.


Monday the 12th


d12The first day we met in the Carl Duisberg Center at 9.00 a.m., close to the famous Checkpoint Charlie. We were addressed to near installations where the whole course was going to be imparted. There we were invited to participate in some kind of “warm up activities” so we could start knowing every colleague. One by one we had to write seven words which could define our self-biography and answer questions of the other participants.


After that, the PowerPoint presentations came. Every group formed by two or three members from their own countries introduced themselves and speak about their countries and their centers. I did it by my own…







Tuesday the 13th


On Tuesday, we truly start the course. The time of beginning was scheduled from 14.00 h. to 18.00 h. That day we debated about dealing with difficult behaviors. After that, we learned about establishing effective rules, introducing new ones and making clear instructions, monitoring and developing rapport strategies, which means creating good communication among students and promote feedbacks. All the activities we were asked to do were developed in pair and group work.





Wednesday the 14th

d14On that day, we started the Classroom Management training by doing some activities about typical scenarios which involved difficult students.


We also worked with tips and checklists and, finally, we were asked about our own vision and the mission we thought we had. The most of activities were made in pair groups.













Thursday the 15th


We focused on the Flipped Classroom on that day. First of all, we made an approach in order to understand what it is. We watched some videos containing real experiences of teachers who have adapted their program in order to develop the Flipped Classroom strategies. This technique is based on turning down the usual scheme of class by receiving the teacher’s instructions and explanations online (at home or at the public library, may be) and after that, in the classroom, engaging and involving students with group activities like role playing, gamming or debates. It was very interesting, but we missed some practical activities.


Friday the 16th

A busy day with evaluation examples, diverse tips of assessment and feedback, portfolios and rubrics… and at last, the so expected certificates. Because of the daily exercises, we fulfilled a lot of papers, read the results of tasks at the audience and talked about self-experiences. When we were finished, we made photos and celebrated the unofficial end of the course. The next day we were summoned for the Postdam Tour, and some colleagues decided to dinner together in a so call “Kneipe”.




Saturday the 17th

Due to some participants’ complaints about the Tour logistics, the organization decided to cancel the Postdam tour and we (“The Spanish Crew”) were so disappointed that passed by the office of the Carl Duisberg Center and made a complaining signed form for the record.


Afterwards, we decided to do the tour by ourselves, but we chose Spandau besides Postdam because I already knew that city and we were curious about the Zitadelle, a fortress built over a river’s confluences. May be it was the coldest day of the week but we were brave and begun the adventure! By afternoon, we went back to Berlin and visited the so famous (and infamous) Berlin’s Wall. That was the last day in Berlin and we said goodbye to each other with emotion.





Leer 3603 veces Modificado por última vez en Domingo, 13 Mayo 2018 20:23
José Antonio Ibáñez López

Director del Centro

Profesor del ámbito Científico-Tecnológico

Administrador del Aula Mentor

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