Domingo, 06 Marzo 2016 20:22

BRUSELAS ERASMUS+. Day 3. We are in a English party.

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Third day.- Thursday, 4th March 2016


The morning period starts at 8:45h and finishes at 12:00.

Afternoon lessons go from 13:00-16.15h.

Evening classes are from 18:45 till 22.00h.



When we finished our job shadowing at the school at 12, we went to Brussels  by train. One of the Spanish teachers, Rocío, came with us and told us where to have lunch. We had beef with beer sauce and soup...and some beer, of course. After that we toured the city center, visiting "The Grand Place" ,"Mannekenpiss" etc. (Sorry for spelling mistakes).


After some sightseeing we headed back to our B&B to get ready for the evening classes, this time, with our friend Ann as a teacher. She teaches in the highest levels. We had a B2 level. They are reading Harry Potter at home. The first activity was a Dictation from the book. The students handed in a piece of writing. They were working on informal notes. The focus of this course is reading and writing, but everything is spoken, in English, of course. They went on by opening their students books and started a new unit about breaking bad news to somebody. They were discussing about  how would they react in different hipothetical situations. It was a very interesting lesson. We finished at 10h. and we had  dinner at Ann's.


We went to Brugges in the morning. We walked around the beautiful streets of this fairy tale place. It was freezing cold, so we decided to have a hot chocolate wafel. After visiting Brugges we went back to the B&B to get ready for our Spanish "Masterclass".


We had arranged a especial class in Spanish together with the Spanish teachers for a group of around thirty students from the highest levels B2 and C1. The students were very nice. We played a film "8 Apellidos Vascos". We stopped to explain stereotypes, idioms, plot development, political  issues... The students seemed to enjoy the film a lot, particularly after the wine, ham and manchego cheese break.

They were grateful and we're happy. Now all of them know Almansa and it's Castle. It was an amazing experience.


We are in a English party


Leer 4708 veces Modificado por última vez en Domingo, 06 Marzo 2016 20:39
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Gonzálvez

Secretaria del Centro

Profesora del ámbito de inglés

Coordinadora de Equipos Didácticos


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