Viernes, 04 Marzo 2016 08:44

BRUSELAS ERASMUS+. Day 2. First class in the morning was an elementary group of 8 people.

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Second day.- Wednesday, 3th March 2016


First class in the morning was an elementary group of 8 people. The teacher, Catherine, didn't utter a single word in French, everything was done in English...even in the lower levels. This is the key to successful learning.


The class was about clothing and the teacher provided quite specific vocabulary for such an elementary level, such as: shiny shoes, tux, bow tie, hoody and so on...


Catherine was great fun, always trying to get the students involved, making jokes, etc. Since they can't use their mother tongue, body language comes in handy many times and Catherine was great at that. After the break we had a lower intermediate lesson.


The students were making presentations in English about an important object for them. They had to describe it and say why was it so special for them. They could read the writings aloud.


For next week they have to do the same with a piece of music they love and they can also relate it to a scene of a film.


Leer 4353 veces Modificado por última vez en Domingo, 06 Marzo 2016 20:44
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Gonzálvez

Secretaria del Centro

Profesora del ámbito de inglés

Coordinadora de Equipos Didácticos


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