Jueves, 03 Marzo 2016 08:23

BRUSELAS ERASMUS+. Day 1. Welcome at the adult center GLTT

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First day.- Tuesday, 2th March 2016

 We spent the day getting here. First, David picked me up in Almansa an drove us to Alicante airport. We left his car in one of the airport parkings.


We got there with plenty of time, so we could buy some wine for our hosts and for the Spanish Evening (something we've arranged together with the Spanish department for Thursday evening, you' ll see).


We got in board at noon, not without having a huge burger before (in Burger king just before getting on the plane). It was quite hot  and sunny in Alicante. The flight was good. It took around 2 hours to get here. David had been pretty nervous the whole day but as soon as we landed he started to chill out  a bit. We took our rental car.


We we're very lucky because we got a brand new black Golf to move around. However, the traffic at that time of the day was pretty heavy (rush hour) and it took double the time to get to Ann's place. It was fun, because the GPS got crazy and we ended up crossing Brussels under the rain with no idea of where we were heading to.


Finally, we made it, but it was too late to go to the school as planned, so we skipped class the first day . We had a lovely dinner with Ann and her husband Benoit. Meeting them again was very special to me and I could catch up with Ann after 7 years!

Leer 4385 veces Modificado por última vez en Domingo, 06 Marzo 2016 20:44
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Gonzálvez

Secretaria del Centro

Profesora del ámbito de inglés

Coordinadora de Equipos Didácticos



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