Miércoles, 20 Abril 2016 21:28

BERGAMO ERASMUS+. Day 3. Inside classes of computer science and physics. In the afternoon I was visiting Bérgamo. Destacado

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Third day.- Wednesday, 20th April 2016

At 8 o'clok I have had a meeting with Nani to show me the oficial documents of the Center. I have known to Patricia, secretrary's center, she told me how does the secretry work. They are very organizated, there are six people working there. 


Afther that, I have been with Giocopo in classes of computers, in the firts hour the class was about C++ and in the second hour was about EXCEL. 

I knew to Angelo, colaborator of school, he invited me to drink "espuma".


In the aternoon I have visited the high upper city of Bérgamo. 


The upper city, surrounded by Venetian walls built in the 16th century, forms the historic centre of Bergamo.[10] Città Alta is an extremely expensive place to live in, with properties being sold for five to twelve thousand euro per square meter. This has numerous places of interest including:

- Cittadella (Citadel), built by the Visconti in the mid-14th century.

- Piazza Vecchia (old square)

- Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary Major). It was built from 1137 on the site of a previous religious edifice of the 7th century. Construction continued until the 15th century. Of this first building the external Romanesque structure and the Greek cross plan remain. The interior was extensively modified in the 16th and 17th centuries. The dome has frescoes by Giovanbattista Tiepolo. Noteworthy are the great Crucifix and the tomb of Gaetano Donizetti.

- The Battistero (Baptistry), an elegant octagonal building dating from 1340.

- Bergamo Cathedral (Duomo). This was built in the late 17th century with later modifications.

- San Michele al Pozzo Bianco. Built in the 12th century, this church contains a wealth of frescos from the 12th to the 16th centuries, including paintings by Lorenzo Lotto.

- Orto Botanico di Bergamo "Lorenzo Rota" (botanical garden).


 In the night, Brunella invited me to dinner in a tipical italian restaurant called "La Vendemmia". I tried the famous Casoncelli, a tortellini with panceta, in my opinion it was a few hasd to dinner.


Leer 48448 veces Modificado por última vez en Jueves, 21 Abril 2016 16:57
José Antonio Ibáñez López

Director del Centro

Profesor del ámbito Científico-Tecnológico

Administrador del Aula Mentor


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