Lunes, 18 Abril 2016 17:48

BERGAMO ERASMUS+. Day 1 in Alzano Lombardo. Welcome at the Liceo Destacado

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First day.- Monday, 18th April 2016

My first day at the Liceo Scientifico Statale Edoardo Amaldi in Alzano Lombardo. The weather is quite hot (18 degrees). Brunella, English teacher, was waiting me at the center at 9 o'clock, we have entered Fanchesca's office, the headmaster of the Lyceum, a very friendly woman who speaks a little Spanish. The headmaster and secretary in Italy does not teach, is dedicated exclusively to manage the center, are not teachers.


The Lyceum has over 800 students and 55 teachers. The building has 4 floors. The organization is very good, all teachers have codes to access WIFI and a web platform where they upload documents and are informed of all meetings.


Luighi, Latin teacher, showed me the school facilities, especially the computer rooms, we had a meeting with Millena, técnical administration, in charge of maintenance of computer equipment and technological devices, not teaching.


Students have a meeting a month, when they ask a teacher, a different one each month. They also have two days a year to perform plays, lab, dance, painting walls of the center, debates, case studies, ETC .... These two days are known as "Monteoro".


I attended after class to a science lab, where students perform very interesting experiments.


Finally I've been with Elionor, professor of Spanish, and have spoken in Spanish with a group of 10 students on cuestions related to Spain.


The Italian teachers are very nice.


Tomorrow, I'm going to visit Pavia with Luighi. 

Leer 46599 veces Modificado por última vez en Lunes, 18 Abril 2016 18:39
José Antonio Ibáñez López

Director del Centro

Profesor del ámbito Científico-Tecnológico

Administrador del Aula Mentor

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