Domingo, 04 Marzo 2018 20:11

ERASMUS+: Day 4, 5 and 6. Movilidad europea a Dublín, crónica de la segunda parte del viaje de José Antonio Ibáñez. Destacado

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José Antonio Ibáñez nos relata la segunda parte de su movilidad europea que ha realizado en la ciudad de Dublín. Os dejamos la crónica de los días 4, 5 y 6. Tristemente marcados por el temporal de nieve y viento que ha azotado a todo el país durante estos días, hasta el presidente de Irlanda hizo una recomendación a todos los ciudadanos para que no salieran de sus casas.

Todos los servicios públicos de transporte, museos, parques, etc... estuvieron cerrados durante esos días.

4th day (01/03/18)

The weather was horrible, all the snowy streets, there wasn't public transport service, there were few taxis, and to go to the National College or Ireland walking was very dangerous. At least I arrived to the school at 10:00h. Darcy prepared us lots of activities about Irish culture.. 


We were working in the classrom with different Irish famous people 


At six o'clock we met opossite Temple Bar to have something to dinner, we had to gather energy to the next dance.


English Matters prepared us in the pub "The Merchants Arch. Temple Bar" a nice session of Irish dance. It was very complicated but also very fun.


When I returned to my hotel I took some curious pictures of Dublin like Wall of fame, streets and monuments covered in snow.




5th day (02/03/18)


At 14:00h English Matters prepared a video conference with Mr George O'Callaghan, Chief Executive of Limerick & Clare Education and Training Board, it was a training seminar about "Questions & Answers about the Irish Education System".


At the O'Connell street there are monuments of very important men in Irish history.

Jim Larkin (1874 - 1947). He was an Irish trade union leader an socialist activist.

Sir John Gray. k. (1815 - 1875).  He was an Irish physician, surgeon, newspaper proprietor, journalist and politician.

Sir William Smith Obrien. (1803 - 1864). He was an Irish nationalist Member of Parliament (MP) and leader of the Young Ireland movement.

Daniel O'Connel. (1775 - 1847). Often referred to as The Liberator or The Emancipator, was an Irish political leader in the first half of the 19th century. He campaigned for Catholic emancipation.


It was really very cold, only there some pubs were open.




6th day (03/03/2018)

At 8:00h I went to the Spencer Hotel where Jeanete, Nunziatina and me had to present our Portfolio to the rest of the English Matters group. 

We presented different aspects about de Irish culture and we did a deep dissemination on how we can apply the knowledge acquired in the course in our centers.

At the end English Matters gave us the certificates. I said goodbye to the impressive group that I have known  these days.


I will always remember them. 

Finland: Janette and Marjo. Italy: Mariacetta, Maria Grazia, Francesca, Nunziatina and Fulvio. France: Frederic and Lionel. Austria: Anneliese. Greece: Panogiotis, Efthymia and Chrysoula. Spain: Soraya and José Antonio. New York: Darcy





These are curious pictures, in the first we can see how lots of people queue to get into the supermarket after the heavy storm. In the second, we can observe many umbrellas of different colours in a nice street.



In the evening I visited The Irish Rock 'n' Roll Museum Experience. Based in the centre or Templebar and home to not just unique artefactas and memorabilia from legendes such as Thin Lizzy a U2 but also a workingn live venue and one or Ireland's most famous recordign studios. I was trying that U2 will came to the next Cepa's graduation.



I R I S H    F O O D

I leave a small representation of Irish meals that I've tried during these days.



Leer 3479 veces Modificado por última vez en Lunes, 05 Marzo 2018 15:36
José Antonio Ibáñez López

Director del Centro

Profesor del ámbito Científico-Tecnológico

Administrador del Aula Mentor

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