Lunes, 26 Febrero 2018 19:09

ERASMUS+: José Antonio Ibáñez está inmerso en su movilidad europea en la impresionante ciudad de Dublín. Day 1, 2 and 3. Destacado

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El CEPA CASTILLO DE ALMANSA está inmerso en un Proyecto Erasmus+ por toda Europa, el profesor D. José Antonio Ibáñez López está desarrollando su viaje europeo en Dublín (del 25/02/2018 al 03/03/2018), realizando un curso estructurado para mejorar su compentencia en idiomas y crear contactos con otros socios europeos para la próxima realización de un K2 con alumnos. El curso está siendo muy interesante, todo el día se escucha y habla en inglés.

Sus compañeros son de varias nacionalidades europeas: 3 griegos, 5 italianos, 2 franceses, 1 austríaca, 2 finlandesas y 2 españoles. 

 Day 0: 

 Presentation of the participants and aims / objectives of everyone.

-Planning and changes in the programme of the course "Activate your English for teaching B1+, B2".

English Matters did a presentation about their six courses offered, there were more than 150 europeans participants.

To finish the presentation we did an introductoriy activity to know.



1st day (26/02/18)

 In the morning we went at the hall of Nacional College in Ireland and we meet our teacher called "Darcy", she is from New York. She explained us the field project for today, she divide us in groups and we went to complete the tasks.


This lovely young woman is legendary in Dublin. The story has it that she vas a fishmonger by day and a prostitute by night! Her name is Moly Malone

Molly Malone is a popular song, set in Dublin, Ireland, which has become the unofficial anthem of Dublin. 


These images are about de entrance of St. Stephen's Green.  It's a park with many atractions include a lake complete with waterfall and ducks, a children's playground, a garden for the blind, statues of well known Irish figures.


Temple Bar is an area on the south bank of the River Liffey in central Dublin, Ireland. Unlike other parts of Dublin's city centre, it is promoted as Dublin's cultural quarter and has a lively nightlife that is popular with tourists. Popular venues include The Palace Bar, The Temple Bar Pub, Oliver St. John Gogarty's and The Auld Dubliner



Famine Memorial. The Famine statues, in Custom House Quay in the Dublin Docklands, were presented to the City of Dublin in 1997. These statues commemorate the Great Famine of the mid 19th century. During the famine approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland, causing the island's population to fall by between 20% and 25%.


At night we went to a Murry's Pub with our Italian colleagues to dinner and enjoy with some Irish songs and dances. 



2nd day (27/02/18)


We went at 9:00h at the classroom in the Nacional College in Ireland.

Darcy prepared us lots of activities about Irish culture.. 

Roles in Irish Society, memories os Yesterday. All the time working in groups and talking with the partner and teacher.


Book of kells. Is an illuminated manuscript Gospel book in Latin, containing the four Gospels of the New Testament together with various prefatory texts and tables. It was created in a Columban monastery in either Britain or Ireland and may have had contributions from various Columban institutions from both Britain and Ireland. It is believed to have been created c. 800 AD.


 Taking a Late coffe with the head of English Matters and his staff. At night I was having dinner with some Spanish friends.



3rd day (28/02/2018)

 The snow has visited us, the weather forecasts are bad in Dublin. Colleges and Museums have been closed.

In the class we were talking about the Irish literature, film and music. In the time for practica-project based learning we were working with the sentence of Seamus Heane "The Ireland I now inhabit is one that these Irish contemporaries have helped to imagine".

At 15:30h we should go to the museum but we can't because it was closed by the snow. 

Leer 3762 veces Modificado por última vez en Lunes, 05 Marzo 2018 15:36
José Antonio Ibáñez López

Director del Centro

Profesor del ámbito Científico-Tecnológico

Administrador del Aula Mentor

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