Domingo, 19 Noviembre 2017 20:28

ERASMUS+: El profesor D. Javier García Tomás ha finalizado su movilidad europea en Bruselas, nos cuenta sus impresiones del viaje. Destacado

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El CEPA CASTILLO DE ALMANSA está inmerso en un Proyecto Erasmus+ por toda Europa, el profesor D. Javier García Tomás ha finalizado su viaje estructurado a Bruselas (Bélgica), desde el 12/11/2017 al 17/11/2017. Muchas han sido las experiencias vividas por Javier, aquí os dejo sus impresionenes y vivencias, acompañadas por fotografías y algún vídeo de este genial profesor.



First day:

Presentation of the participants and aims / objectives of everyone.

-Planning and changes in the programme of the course “ Entrepreneurship and non- formal education “( they’ ve done a mixture of different courses ‘ cos economically is better for the organisation).

Our teacher should take some English classes to improve his command of English

Not very interesting today. Let’s see tomorrow......


Today we visited the future lab class (it will be a real classroom in about a decade or even before).

I will show you when I arrive....

At six I have the second part of the session....


2nd day:

In the morning we visited the future lab classroom (I will select the best photos but now I feel exhausted).

We had a break in the afternoon so we went on our own to visit a museum “ the museum of history”.

In the evening we learnt how to design an educational web and useful tools.

When we have a meeting we’ ll talk about it,,,,,,,

It could have been better but our teacher is Italian and he was shocked (Italy will not be in the W. C Football).



3rd session:

Outdoor park activities for non- formal education.

We prepared lots of activities but more related to Secondary education. Funny but not very useful for us...



4th day:

Visit to the Parliament and translation practice (it was a gorgeous experience). It was the most interesting day for me ‘ cos they showed us all the tools they have and the great investment,,,,,,,

I couldn’ t take more photos ‘ cos it is forbidden.

In the afternoon,we had ITC pratice ( webs, tools and exercises for pupils).

As you can see it’ s been an exhausting day now,,,,,,,,,,, i’ m going out for a while!!!!!!!!!!!



Flying tonight!! We had assessment and conclusions about what we’ ve been doing.


- Tools and interesting webs to work in class.

- Assessment.

- Exchange of personal details in order to keep in touch.

-Information about different projects.


Leer 3639 veces Modificado por última vez en Domingo, 19 Noviembre 2017 21:01
José Antonio Ibáñez López

Director del Centro

Profesor del ámbito Científico-Tecnológico

Administrador del Aula Mentor

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